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Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XVVIII)

Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XVVIII)

February 26, 2024 TABLE 1. Summary of the available methods for survival regression with competing risks (CR). Model Type Proportional hazards (PH) High dimensions (�) Missing data Approaches based on a cause-specific hazard specification Cox proportional CS hazard...

Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XVVIII)

Statistical issues in general (Part IV)

In an article in Biometrical Journal, Heinze et al discussed phases of methodological research in biostatistics. The authors of this publication are all members of an international STRATOS (STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies) Intiative, whose...

Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XVIII) November 22, 2023 In this article that appeared in Journal of Probability and Statistics, the authors described a new test as an alternative to the log-rank test to compare late differences between survival curves. ...