by Usha Govindarajulu | Jul 9, 2021 | Biostatistics, Blog, Epidemiology, Healtcare, Professor, Usha Govindarajulu
Re-analyses on vaccine efficacy in COVID-19 research Much of the news these days focuses on vaccine efficacy rates being re-updated due to various new COVID-19 variants coming out often, originating in different countries, like delta (B.1.167.2) from India and lambda...
by Usha Govindarajulu | Jun 23, 2021 | Biostatistics, Blog, Professor, Usha Govindarajulu
Bayesian methods used in COVID-19 research During the times of uncertainty in statistical methods used in COVID-19 research. Were Bayesian methods employed much in these contexts? Yes they were here and there but probably once again, just like in regular research,...
by Usha Govindarajulu | Jun 9, 2021 | Biostatistics, Blog, Healtcare, Professor, Usha Govindarajulu
P-values and vaccine efficacy As the companies continue to re-evaluate vaccine efficacy against new variants, have they discussed p-values? Are they analyzing re-updated data again and again and correcting for inflation of the Type I error rate?? Given the...
by Usha Govindarajulu | May 26, 2021 | Biostatistics, Blog, Usha Govindarajulu
COVID-19 challenges of publishing statistically relevant studies COVID-19 is a tricky period in which to attempt to publish new studies. Criticism came from reviewers and those reading the articles whether or not one showed negative results or positive results from...
by Usha Govindarajulu | May 12, 2021 | Blog
Can one control for selection bias in analyses? Unfortunately selection bias is inherent to many studies, even the gold standard clinical trial designs, but these problems can be attempted to be controlled for in analyses. In COVID-19 research especially, there are...