Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XV)
October 11, 2023 In this recent article by Hoogland et al, the authors have proposed combining flexible parametric survival modeling with regularization in order to improve risk prediction modeling for time-to-event data and, thus, they made a unified regularation...
Statistical issues in general (Part II)
The authors, Hanke et al, discussed variable selction methods for linear regression and that the best subset selection (BSS) is not always the best choice.
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XIV)
September 13, 2023 In their paper, the authors, Wang et al focused on estimation of casual effects of a treatment on survival outcomes with censoring with propensity score (PS) adjustment. They also used alternative measures of survival like restricted average causal...
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XIII)
August 30, 2023 In this article that appeared in a special issue in the Biometrical Journal, Chen et al describe how restricted mean survival time (RMST), an alternative representation of survival time, can be adapted to have clustering. They were motivated by...
Issues in COVID-19 research and statistical analyses (08.16.23)
The authors developed a proportional incidence model to estimate vaccine effectiveness (VE) but at the population level.
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XII)
August 2, 2023 In this article published in June online, Lancker et al describe a way for valid inference of hazard ratios from a Cox regression after variable selection. The problem has been that it is unknown which amount of covariates to use to control for...
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XI)
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part XI) July 19, 2023 The authors, Ning et al, have proposed what they refer to as a “broad class” of “so called” Cox-Aalen transformation models which have elements of both multiplicative and additive covariate effects...
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part X)
July 5, 2023 The restricted mean survival time (RMST) is a concept that has been invented in survival analysis as an alternative to the hazards ratio, which can be difficult to interpret and also, as derived from Cox model, can have difficulty fitting into the...
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part IX)
June 21, 2023 Quantile regression has been around for awhile but has not been used so extensivly in survival analysis, namely for comparisons at the population level. The authors, Williamson et al, proposed analyzing relative survival data using quantile regression...
Statistical issues in survival analysis (Part VIII)
June 7, 2023 The authors reviewed methods for complex survival data in terms of frailty models, like the recent advances and R packages. They explored areas of clustered outcomes, competing risks, illness-death model. They did admit their review did not cover two...